An internship Program 2021

We the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL), Vijayapura deem a great privilege to introduce internship program titled "A comprehensive study on Electric Grid of Vijayapura". The specific objectives of the program are,

  1. To enhance the student's knowledge on power generation, transmission and distribution through practical approach.
  2. To train the students to capture the electric site details and depict the same through single line diagram.
  3. To expose the student to professional role models working in the various fields of power sector.
  4. To impart the student to expectations of performance required at power industries.
  5. To assist the student's development of employer-valued skills such as teamwork, communication and attention to detail.

Technical Guide-Message

Vijayapura from its past is known for its contribution to the power sector through its cogeneration at sugar mills and hydro power generation. Recently power generation at the district has marked a tremendous growth with the installation of National Thermal Power Plant (NTPC) of 800MW at Kudgi. It did'nt stop here, it has also attracted the fast growing renewable energy market due to its richness in solar and wind energy. Today it is not counterfactual to title Vijayapur as "Hub of the power sector industry" in Karnataka. A 220kV substation with well equipped SCADA system located near Shivagiri, Vijayapura is an evidence of expanded power sector at the district. During this internship program, students will be taken to these major sites and explored to the real time operation of power system.